Please note: these are government figures on numbers of confirmed cases – some people who report symptoms are not being tested, and are not included in these counts.
Coronavirus has hit the UK hard, with the country recording hundreds of thousands of cases and over 40,000 deaths linked to the disease. England faced Europe’s highest excess death levels during the first wave of the pandemic.
Where are the UK’s current coronavirus hotspots?
At the start of the pandemic, London bore the brunt of coronavirus’s impact.
Since then, however, the centre of the virus has shifted. A number of areas have been placed under tighter restrictions because of increased infection rates since July, although some of these measures have now been lifted as cases fell.
These include areas of south Wales, the north-east and north-west of England, West Yorkshire, Luton, Leicester, and parts of Scotland including Glasgow.
Cases in the UK first peaked in early April, before beginning to fall from May to early July. Since then, there has been an uptick in daily cases, with numbers in September passing the earlier peak – although some of this can be attributed to increased testing and targeted testing in coronavirus outbreak areas.
Deaths were at their highest during the first peak of cases, with over 1,000 daily deaths seen on some days in April.
The chart below shows the areas that have had the highest daily peaks of new Covid-19 cases. Despite a first peak at the start of April, notably in Birmingham and Sheffield, cases in all areas were falling in May.
By July, several areas saw an uptick in cases as lockdown measures were lifted – with Leicester and areas of north-west England seeing restrictions reimposed.
Find coronavirus cases near you
Other areas have had less dramatic peaks of infection. Find the cases curve in your own area by typing into the search bar below.
In the table below, you can find out the number of cases per 100,000 in your area, both for the last week and since the start of the pandemic.
About this data
This data comes from a variety of sources: the headline figures come from Public Health England, working with devolved authorities in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Local authority data for England and Wales also comes from Public Health England.
Historic data for Scottish regions is only available by health board and comes from Public Health Scotland. We exclude 15 June for Scottish data owing to the fact that new historic data was added on that day.
The most recent Northern Irish data used in the maps and table comes from the NI Department of Health, but for the line charts above it comes from Public Health England, which has historic data for Northern Ireland.
There are differences in the data collection practices and publishing schedules of the sources that may lead to temporary inconsistencies.
About Covid-19
Since first being identified as a new coronavirus strain in Wuhan, China, late last year, Covid-19 has spread around the globe.
The virus can cause pneumonia. Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. You can find out more about the symptoms here.
There are things you can do, such as wearing a face mask, to protect yourself and slow the spread of the virus. Chief among them are regularly washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, and catching coughs and sneezes in tissues.
Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is being regularly updated to ensure that it reflects the current situation as well as possible. Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be footnoted in line with Guardian editorial policy.
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