Hyundai Motors India Limited recently launched the iMT version of the Venue. Along with that, they also brought in a Sport trim of the compact SUV. This model is now on sale with a new electrifying colour scheme that makes it stand apart from the rest of the line-up. However, it continues with the existing powertrain options. Here’s a picture gallery that highlights the other changes on the compact SUV.
This Hyundai Venue Sport variant benefits from exterior updates such as a dual tone colour scheme along with bright red accents all around.
Body colour options have been limited to a titan grey with phantom black roof or polar white with the same phantom black roof as part of the dual tone colour options.
There’s a glossy black front grille with a red insert and a dark grey roof rail with a red insert. Then, there are red inserts on the wheel arches and even the body side moulding.
Apart from the aforementioned tweaks, the Venue Sport is also seen sporting a distinctive ‘SPORT’ badging. What’s more, it also gets red brake calipers.
Even inside the cabin, it sports dark grey upholstery with sporty metal pedals. Furthermore, there are red stitching accents on the seats and door trims.
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