To mark the World Polio Day, the Rotary Club Bhubaneswar district on Sunday organised a Padayatra from the Rotary Bhavan to the Ram Mandir spreading message of a ‘polio-free world and polio-free India’. The Yatra was flagged off by Rotary District Governor Santanu Kumar Pani.
Pani said that to fully eradicate polio, the Rotary International has set a target year 2026, the campaign for which is going to start from 2023.
Rotary Bhubaneswar Central president Dr Aryakumar Jnanendra stressed the need of massive public awareness for polio eradication. Jangyanshis Mahapatra, Bikramaditya Nayak, Mamat Bajpaye, Smita Sinha and Sukanta Sahu also spoke.
Representatives of 35 clubs under the Bhubaneswar District participated in the event.
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