Filmmaker Pradeep Sarkar, who was best-known for guiding movies like Parineeta, Helicopter Eela and Mardaani, has died on the age of 67. Director Hansal Mehta shared the information on his Twitter profile on Friday morning and he wrote: “Pradeep Sarkar. Dada. RIP.” Actor Manoj Bajpayee retweeted Hansal Mehta’s tweet and he wrote: “Ohh! That’s so shocking! Rest in peace Dada.”
Pradeep Sarkar. Dada. RIP. pic.twitter.com/htxK4PiTLN
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) March 24, 2023
Manoj Bajpayee paid tribute in his tweet.
Ohh! That’s so stunning!
Rest in peace Dada!! https://t.co/wOCqOlVd5Z— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) March 24, 2023
More particulars are awaited.
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