Leading cricket stars like Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli took to social media to offer their condolences to those who lost their lives in the crash landing of an aircraft at Karipur Airport in Kozhikode, Kerala on Friday. India captain Virat Kohli took to Twitter and wrote “Praying for those who have been affected by the aircraft accident in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the loved ones of those who have lost their lives.” India batting legend Sachin Tendulkar also offered his condolences to the families who lost their near ones in the tragic accident that took place in Kerala.
Praying for those who have been affected by the aircraft accident in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the loved ones of those who have lost their lives.
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) August 7, 2020
“Praying for the safety of everyone onboard the #AirIndia Express Aircraft that’s overshot the runway at Kozhikode Airport, Kerala. Deepest condolences to the families who have lost their near ones in this tragic accident,” Tendulkar tweeted.
Praying for the safety of everyone onboard the #AirIndia Express Aircraft that’s overshot the runway at Kozhikode Airport, Kerala.
Deepest condolences to the families who have lost their near ones in this tragic accident.
— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) August 7, 2020
“Praying for the passengers and the staff on the #AirIndia flight in Kozhikode. Shocking news,” tweeted India’s white-ball vice-captain Rohit Sharma.
“My heartfelt condolences to the family of the Pilot who lost his life during the accident & prayers for the ones injured in the Air India aircraft at #Kozhikode #AirIndiaExpress,” Irfan Pathan wrote on Twitter.
My heartfelt condolences to the family of the Pilot who lost his life during the accident & prayers for the ones injured in the Air India aircraft at #Kozhikode #AirIndiaExpress
— Irfan Pathan (@IrfanPathan) August 7, 2020
Praying for the passengers and the staff on the #AirIndia flight in Kozhikode. Shocking news.
— Rohit Sharma (@ImRo45) August 7, 2020
India’s Test vice captain Ajinkya Rahane also prayed for everyone on board on the flight that crash landed in Kerala.
Really sad news from Kozhikode. Praying for the passengers and staff on the Air India flight.
— Ajinkya Rahane (@ajinkyarahane88) August 7, 2020
“Really sad news from Kozhikode. Praying for the passengers and staff on the Air India flight,” Rahane tweeted.
On Friday, at least 18 people were killed as an Air India Express plane with 190 on board from Dubai skidded off the runway and broke in two while landing at Kerala’s Kozhikode.
The flight was part of the Vande Bharat programme that has been bringing back Indians from abroad amid the coronavirus pandemic.
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