Home Latest Coronavirus droplets could stay longer on surfaces in humid climates, finds study – Times of India

Coronavirus droplets could stay longer on surfaces in humid climates, finds study – Times of India

Coronavirus droplets could stay longer on surfaces in humid climates, finds study – Times of India


There’s a lot that has been talked about the spread and transmission risk with novel coronavirus, which makes it one of the scariest infections we have seen. From airborne transmission to collecting on surfaces, COVID-19 causing viruses could stay on a surface for upwards of two weeks. The duration it stays for is also determined by the type of surface and environment, with experts first warning that COVID-19 could thrive more in low temperatures, and turn into a seasonal flu-like condition. During the initial wave of the pandemic, it was assumed that the virus was more suited to colder, drier climates. However, further studies and the ultimate spread of the virus proved the facts wrong.

Influenza and SARS viruses, both relative to the coronavirus family have been linked to lower transmission rates during warmer climates. A study conducted in China claimed that humid climate could possibly cut down the reproduction rate of the virus. However, as the infection rates peak across the world, it is now becoming evidently clear that no one climate is capable of defeating the virus. In fact, a new body of research has proven that even humid and temperamental surfaces could prolong the lifespan of the SARS-COV-2 virus.

If the findings are true, it could mean potentially bad news for countries with humid climate, including India as experts worry that infection cases could peak even higher with the arrival of monsoon.

The study

A study done by researchers from the University of Missouri, USA, which has been published in the journal Physics of Fluids found out that humid temperatures could not only spread the virus but also increase its lifespan by 23 times.

Making a case for airborne transmission of coronavirus during humid settings, scientists tried to analyze the effect airflow and fluid flow have on exhaled respiratory droplets through which the virus can spread from one person to another. While novel coronavirus is considered to spread through respiratory actions such as coughing, breathing or talking, there is growing evidence to suggest as to how the virus could spread onto others through air.

Researchers involved in the study also devised a model mannequin to depict how possible air turbulence could impact droplet transmission. Experts were able to estimate that while most droplets deposit on the ground, airborne transmission also accounts for a big percentage of the spread. In climatic conditions with 100% relative humidity, it was observed that simulations presented the spread of droplets the most. Smaller droplets of 50 microns in diameter could make an additional journey, spreading to 5 meters, or about 16 ft, in very humid air. At a relative humidity of 50 per cent, not one of the 50-micron droplets travelled past 3.5 meters

Binbing Wang, a lead writer involved in the study wrote:

“If the virus load related to the droplets is proportional to the quantity, virtually 70 per cent of the virus can be deposited on the bottom throughout a cough,

Novel coronavirus, with its varying sizes (which could be anywhere from 1/10th of a micron to 100 microns) could easily transmit and give rise to additional infections.

The experts further asserted that physical distancing would be the key to curbing the spread of the disease.

“Maintaining physical distancing would significantly remediate the spread of this disease through reducing the deposition of droplets onto people and through reducing the probability of inhalation of aerosols near the infectious source.”


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