Actor Salman Khan’s entire family came together to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi on Saturday. The actor was seen arriving with his rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur.
The celebrations were organised at Salman’s brother Sohail Khan’s house. Their sister Arpita Khan was seen carrying an idol of Ganpati in her arms from the truck to inside the house. Their other sister Alvira, step mother Helen, father Salim Khan were also seen at the celebrations. Arbaaz Khan was also seen with his girlfriend Georgia Andriani. Actor Daisy Shah and singer Kamaal Khan were also spotted.
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Salman Khan spent the entire lockdown period at his Panvel farmhouse. Earlier, his sister Arpita and their mother Salma were also with the actor at the farmhouse but they later returned to Mumbai.
Salman shot a couple of music videos, commercial, public service announcement videos and more at the farmhouse. Recently, he even shot the Bigg Boss 14 promo there.
The promo showed Salman farming. “The lockdown has become a speed breaker to everyone’s normal life. Which is why I am growing rice and riding a tractor. But now the time has come for the scene to change,” Salman says in the video as the logo of Bigg Boss 2020 appears on screen.
The Bharat star has been hosting the reality show since its fourth season in 2010. While details are currently under wraps, Bigg Boss will reportedly go on floors in September. Bigg Boss season 13, which got a five-week extension owing to its popularity, saw TV star Sidharth Shukla emerge winner.
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