A US media company has decided to take down their billboards demanding justice in the death case of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The company, as per an e-mail conversation shared by Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti, believes that the campaign is trying malign the ‘woman associated with Sushant’.
Shweta took to Twitter and Instagram to share screenshots of the e-mails. She said it is a ‘PR’ exercise to derail the campaign. “It seems the paid PR has it’s reach everywhere. Hollywood Billboard company reached out telling they will not keep the Billboard any longer! The wordings on the billboard only demanded fair trial and justice! #Report4SSR #JusticeForSushantSinghRajputt #Warriors4SSR,” she wrote.
It seems the paid PR has it’s reach everywhere. Hollywood Billboard company reached out telling they will not keep the Billboard any longer! The wordings on the billboard only demanded fair trial and justice! #Report4SSR #JusticeForSushantSinghRajputt #Warriors4SSR pic.twitter.com/YrMrLH3eIX
— shweta singh kirti (@shwetasinghkirt) September 3, 2020
In the e-mail, the company wrote, “The team had not done their research on what the campaign was regarding. It is their interpretation that this is a smear campaign of the woman that is “associated” with Sushant. (Company name redacted) is choosing to cut ties with any involvement of the campaign. You will be given a refund for the days remaining. Thank you.” It is not known if the conversation is between Shweta and the company or a fan of Sushant’s who organised funds for the billboards.
The reply to the company’s mail read, “Okay In that case, I will be expecting a full reimbursement for the week of September 1-6. Additionally, I assume you are willing to go on record with this statement. as I will be required to share it with my donors as an explanation for why the billboard is no longer up. Thanks.”
Shweta has been posting pictures of billboards from New Jersey, Mississippi and Chicago, featuring Sushant’s pictures and demanding justice for him. The billboards were put up by Sushant’s fan accounts on social media.
Sushant was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14. On August 19, the Supreme Court had asked the Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) to investigate the case related to the actor’s death. Sushant’s father had filed an FIR in Patna against actor’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty and five others for abetment to suicide. The case is currently also being investigated by the Enforcement Directorate and the Narcotics Control Bureau.
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