Shah Rukh Khan is a proud father. After all, his daughter Suhana Khan is all set to make her debut in Bollywood with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies. Now, with the poster of the movie being launched, SRK has shared a word of encouragement on social media for daughter Suhana Khan and her co-stars. Sharing the poster of the younger solid, SRK wrote, “I remember when I was young ( millions of years ago ) would book my Archie’s Digest in advance to rent. Nostalgia. I hope Big Moose is also in the film! All the best to the whole cast and love.” The poster shared by SRK options the lead solid of the movie together with Vedang Raina, Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor, Yuvraj Menda, Aditi Dot, and Mihir Ahuja.
I bear in mind after I was younger ( thousands and thousands of years in the past ) would e-book my Archie’s Digest prematurely to lease. Nostalgia. I hope Big Moose can be within the movie! All the perfect to the entire solid and love. pic.twitter.com/KBnWEGx4BV
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 12, 2023
On the comfortable event of the poster launch, a fan requested SRK throughout an Ask Me Anything session on Monday,“ Archies coming on Netflix. How do you feel as a proud father?” To this, King Khan – as he’s fondly referred to as – mentioned, “Father bias and excitement will always be there but looking forward to a Zoya Akhtar film actually.”
Father bias and pleasure will at all times be there however wanting ahead to a Zoya Akhtar movie really…. https://t.co/AbCrU5azMF
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 12, 2023
Last 12 months, when the primary look of The Archies was shared, SRK wrote a beautiful word for Suhana that mentioned, “And remember Suhana Khan, you are never going to be perfect….but being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor…The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep…the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you…You have come a long way baby…but the road to people’s heart is unending…stride forth and make as many smile as you can. Now let there be Light….Camera and Action! Signed Another Actor.”
The Archies have been produced by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti.
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