Sharing a refreshing picture with her fans, actor Alia Bhatt on Sunday treated fans with a stunning picture shot by her sister and ‘life line’ Shaheen Bhatt. The ‘Highway’ actor posted a picture on Instagram wherein she looked glamorous in a colourful dress. In the picture, Alia is seen posing as she looks off the camera while sporting a no make-up look. The actor looks enchanting in the lush green backdrop. Taking to the captions, the ‘Raazi’ actor captioned the post as, “shot by my life line @shaheenb.” (as she tagged sister Shaheen and left a yellow heart emoji). Alia further noted, “Dress @saakshakinni.Photographer: @shaheenbStyling: @samar.rajput05Assisted by @rupangigrover (styling) Words: @shaheenb.”
With the post hitting Instagram, more than 9 lakh fans along with filmmaker Zoya Akhtar liked the adorable post. Celebrity fashion designer left heart emojis in the comments section, while Fatima Sana Sheikh left a red heart and lovestruck emojis.
Lately, Alia has been keeping her fans updated on her activities by posting pictures and videos on social media. Most recently, Alia Bhatt shared her reprised version of Ankit Tiwari’s ‘Tum Se Hi’ song for the from her latest movie ‘Sadak 2’. (ANI)
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