Star India batter Prithvi Shaw landed in bother on Thursday after a video of him emerged on social media, the place he may very well be seen in a scuffle with a girl. According to a police criticism, an argument with India’s 2018 Under-19 World Cup-winning captain escalated right into a combat with a baseball bat and a automotive chase. A report by information company PTI stated the problem began in a luxurious lodge within the early hours on Thursday after the accused in search of selfies mobbed the cricketer, who obliged some and denied others when the requests turned incessant.
Eight folks have been named within the police case for allegedly charging at Shaw and his pal, breaking the windshield of their automotive and demanding INR 50,000.
Fight between Indian Cricketer Prithvi Shaw vs Influencer Sapna Gill#PrithviShaw #SapnaGill pic.twitter.com/SX1TFfVPV6
— Kapil Kumar (@kapilkumaron) February 16, 2023
This will not be the primary time that Shaw has been concerned in controversies. Here are the opposite situations, when Shaw landed in difficult spots.
Eight-month suspension as a consequence of doping
In 2019, Shaw was suspended for eight months for a doping violation. According to a media launch from the BCCI, Shaw, registered with Mumbai Cricket Association, had inadvertently ingested a prohibited substance, which might be generally present in cough syrups. Prithvi Shaw’s eight-month interval of ineligibility will probably be deemed to have began to run from March 16 to November 15, 2019, in accordance with the discharge.
The BCCI had earlier in a press release stated, “Shaw had provided a urine sample as part of the BCCI’s anti-doping testing program during the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy match on February 22, 2019 in Indore.”
Failed yo-yo take a look at
The yo-yo health take a look at is likely one of the major necessities to get chosen within the Indian cricket crew. Ahead of the 2022 IPL, a report from information company PTI stated, Shaw failed the take a look at on the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru. The BCCI’s prescribed minimal rating on the yo-yo take a look at is supposedly 16.5 for males, and it was learnt that Shaw scored lower than 15, the report stated.
After the information unfold, Shaw put up a cryptic put up on his Instagram tales: “PIzz Don’t Judge Me,When You Don’t Know My Situation, U Are Creating Your Own Karma…,” Shaw wrote.
Not desirous to bat in nets in IPL 2020
Delhi Capitals head coach and Australia nice Ricky Ponting threw some gentle on Shaw’s struggles within the 2020 IPL season, revealing that when Shaw had been going via a lean patch he refused to bat within the nets.
“I’ve had some really interesting chats with him through last year’s IPL, just trying to break him down, trying to find out exactly what was the right way to coach him and how I was going to get the best out of him,” Ponting instructed cricket.com.au.
“But he had an interesting theory on his batting last year – when he’s not scoring runs, he won’t bat, and when he is scoring runs, he wants to keep batting all the time. He had four or five games where he made under 10 and I’m telling him, ‘We have to go to the nets and work out (what’s wrong)’, and he looked me in the eye and said, ‘No, I’m not batting today’. I couldn’t really work that out.”
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