Actor Anushka Sharma on Friday shared a selfie in which she enjoyed the morning sun in the UAE. Taking to Instagram Stories, Anushka dropped the picture in which she sported a no-makeup, no-filter look.
In the picture, Anushka Sharma smiles as she captures herself. She wore an off white and black printed shirt as she seemingly sat on a balcony soaking the sun. She wrote “Good morning” followed by a waving emoji.
Anushka has been sharing glimpses from her stay in the UAE where she recently travelled to be with her husband cricketer Virat Kohli as the Indian team is playing the T20 World Cup series.
Recently, Virat had shared a picture on Instagram featuring Anushka and their daughter Vamika as they enjoyed breakfast together. Both Virat and Anushka smiled for the lens. Virat had shared the post along with a single heart emoji.
Anushka too had shared a picture on Instagram of Virat and Vamika. In the photo, Virat leaned over a play space filled with multi-coloured balls in which Vamika sat. Anushka had captioned the post, “My whole heart in one frame.”
After reaching UAE, Anushka had to quarantine herself in a hotel room. However, she had shared pictures of Virat looking at her from a distant balcony. She had captioned the post, “Couldn’t choose between these two captions – Quarantine makes the heart fonder & Love in the time of bubble life #OhWell , you get the point!”
Anushka, along with Vamika, has been travelling this year with Virat for his matches. Earlier, they were in the UK for a few months. Ahead of flying to the UAE, Anushka wrapped her work in Mumbai during her stay. She had given her fans glimpses from the sets and also posed for the paparazzi.
Meanwhile, fans saw Anushka last in the 2018 movie Zero, also featuring actors Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. Since then, she has produced two acclaimed projects–web series Pataal Lok (Amazon Prime Video) and Bulbbul (Netflix movie). Currently, Anushka is producing Qala. It will mark the debut of late actor Irrfan Khan’s son Babil.
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