PHOENIX (3TV/CBS5) – For the second time in two months the Phoenix aviation advisory board is expressing concern about the Coyotes proposed Tempe Entertainment District.
The entertainment district would be just off of Priest Drive and Rio Salado Parkway, approximately two miles away from two runways at Sky Harbor airport. Officials with Sky Harbor say the runways account for 95% of the airports departing flights and 68% of its overall activity.
The aviation advisory board is warning aircrafts could fly 400 feet above the entertainment district. To put that into perspective, a football field is 360 feet long and the former Chase Tower in downtown Phoenix is 480 feet tall.
Officials with Sky Harbor say they need to meet with the Tempe Entertainment District developer to analyze potential glare and height concerns.
A spokesperson for the Coyotes says they were not invited to the meeting where height issues were mentioned, but they will be requesting to go through their proposal with the Aviation advisory board.
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