Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader and Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik on Friday said the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) should probe the 26 cases brought forward by an anonymous employee of the agency, and alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is conspiring to defame the state as well as Mumbai’s film industry.
The minister also claimed that a key party leader has a partnership with NCB witness Kiran Gosavi’s wife in a private firm.
Malik reiterated his demand for action against Fashion TV executive Kashiff Khan, who he claimed organised a cruise ship rave party that was raided by NCB investigator Sameeer Wankhede’s team on October 2, leading to the arrest of actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan the next day in the drug bust case.
Also Read: Pooja Bhatt thanks Nawab Malik for supporting Bollywood in cruise drug case
“The NCB has said it will not take cognisance of the anonymous letter purpotedly written by an NCB employees as the Central Vigilence Commission guidelines are against it. However, the claims related to 26 cases by the NCB are very serious in nature and more than 100 innocent people booked over the cases are behind bars,” Malik said.
“One Shekhar Kamble, a witness in one of the 26 cases, has narrated how the NCB official framed an innocent Nigerian citizen after the raid failed to catch the drug peddler… Not all Nigerians are drug peddlers. I will write a letter to the NCB chief SN Pradhan referring to the statement of Kamble and request him to probe the cases as they are serious in nature,” Malik added.
Malik also claimed that Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath wants to build a film city in his state, and the move could be behind attempts to defame Bollywood.
“UP CM Yogi-ji wants to make a film city in Uttar Pradesh. He met a few people at Hotel Taj in Mumbai. Those who support the BJP met him. They believe Bollywood will be shifted out of Mumbai, if defamed,” Malik said.
Responding to the claims by Wankhede’s family that his family was being personally targeted by Malik, the minister defended his position, saying didn’t say a word about Wankhede’s wife Kranti Redkar.
Leader of opposition and former chief minister Devendra Fadnavis said on Malik’s latest remarks, “I do not see any need to react to Nawab Malik’s allegations. He has no other business than ranting all day.”
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