COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – This week is Black Men’s Health Week, and to kick off the events, dozens of people gathered at the City of Grace for a worship service Sunday.
The service was a high-energy, impactful service brought to the community by the African American Male Wellness Agency (AAMWA).
The agency will be hosting different events all week long, offering a variety of free health screenings.
Agency Vice President Kenny Hampton said the group chose to start this week’s events with the worship service to uplift and energize the community.
AAMWA hopes to screen thousands of men this week and bring awareness to closing the gap in healthcare.
“There’s a gap that exists right now with African American men that are leaving here at 67 years old and our counterparts at 79,” Hampton said. “So while we are doing that, we want to make sure that we are spirit, mind, and body, all those things this week to help impact our men.”
For more on this week’s events, all leading up to Saturday’s African American Male Wellness Walk, click here.
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