Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee president Ajay Rai on Saturday focused the Kashi Vishwanath temple administration for not but releasing photos of Rahul Gandhi providing prayers on the shrine and contrasted this with the allegation that each BJP chief was allowed to enter the temple with their cameras.
Rai mentioned Rahul Gandhi visited the Kashi Vishwanath temple and provided prayers on Saturday morning and acquired blessings of Baba.
“But the temple administration didn’t allow any of us to go with mobile camera to click his picture, so we don’t have any image of Rahul Gandhi offering prayers to Baba Kashi Vishwanath to show,” the state Congress chief mentioned.
“Everyone knows that the same administration allows every small or big BJP leader to go into the KV temple with camera,” he mentioned.
In a publish on X, the Congress wrote: “Today at around 10.30am, Rahul Gandhiji had darshan at Baba Vishwanath temple in Kashi.”
“At the last moment, the permission granted to our camera to enter the temple was cancelled. The district administration assured that the photo would be shared by the temple cameraperson,” the identical publish mentioned.
“Despite continuous efforts for three-and-a- half hours, the photo was not provided. Then some seven photographs were sent, not a single one of which is of darshan – although the photo was taken by the cameraperson of the temple,” the occasion mentioned within the publish.
“This is not politics and sycophancy, this is pettiness. But remember that neither a devotee of Shiva can be moved from his resolve, nor any force can stop him from this great battle for justice…May Baba Vishwanath do good to everyone,” posted the Congress.
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