NEW DELHI: Sports minister Kiren Rijiju and Sports Authority of India (SAI) Director General, Sandip Pradhan, had a coronavirus scare after visiting the Karni Singh Shooting Range (KSSR) here two days ago and meeting with a regional director, who later tested positive for the virus but remained asymptomatic.
The said official of the SAI has admitted himself to the city’s Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre in Tughlakabad area to undergo his mandatory seven-day quarantine period. The regional director later plans to shift to a covid-care hotel to complete another seven days of his quarantine. The official’s family members undertook the precautionary RT-PCR test for covid-19 and, it’s been learned, that reports of all of them have come negative. The family members, however, have been home quarantining. It’s also been learned that DG SAI also took the RT-PCR test and has returned negative for the infection. He has self-isolated himself on a precautionary ground.
However, it can’t be immediately confirmed whether the sports minister has subjected himself to the RT-PCR test or has gone into self-isolation for his own well-being. The concerned official was present during the minister’s visit to the KSSR and was in his close proximity. However, it’s not known whether the minister had come in direct contact with the official at any point of time during the trip.
It’s been learned that the regional director contracted the virus from a senior official posted at the KSSR, who had earlier come to meet the former at the SAI headquarters and later tested positive. In his absence, the concerned regional director had taken upon himself to attend to the minister and SAI DG when they visited the KSSR on Wednesday and brief them about the activities at the range. Other officials and coaches at the KSSR, whom the regional director met, have also been advised to undertake the RT-PCR test while his entire staff at the SAI headquarters has been home quarantined.
The said official of the SAI has admitted himself to the city’s Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre in Tughlakabad area to undergo his mandatory seven-day quarantine period. The regional director later plans to shift to a covid-care hotel to complete another seven days of his quarantine. The official’s family members undertook the precautionary RT-PCR test for covid-19 and, it’s been learned, that reports of all of them have come negative. The family members, however, have been home quarantining. It’s also been learned that DG SAI also took the RT-PCR test and has returned negative for the infection. He has self-isolated himself on a precautionary ground.
However, it can’t be immediately confirmed whether the sports minister has subjected himself to the RT-PCR test or has gone into self-isolation for his own well-being. The concerned official was present during the minister’s visit to the KSSR and was in his close proximity. However, it’s not known whether the minister had come in direct contact with the official at any point of time during the trip.
It’s been learned that the regional director contracted the virus from a senior official posted at the KSSR, who had earlier come to meet the former at the SAI headquarters and later tested positive. In his absence, the concerned regional director had taken upon himself to attend to the minister and SAI DG when they visited the KSSR on Wednesday and brief them about the activities at the range. Other officials and coaches at the KSSR, whom the regional director met, have also been advised to undertake the RT-PCR test while his entire staff at the SAI headquarters has been home quarantined.
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