The field of film and television in India has lost a number of gems in the past few months. In another setback, Crime Patrol fame actor Ranjan Sehgal breathed his last at a hospital in Chandigarh at the age of 36. The actor is said to have been battling an unknown ailment and was not keeping well for quite some time
For the unversed, Ranjan has been a part of many Punjabi movies and Hindi television serials such as Gustakh Dil, Tum Dena Saath Mera, Sabki Ladli Bebo, Kuldeepak, and Bhawar to name a few. The actor also ventured into Bollywood with 2016’s Sarbjit and Shah Rukh Khan starrer Zero.
A number of industry colleagues and fans have rendered their condolences on social media and are mourning the loss. Cine and TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA) too expressed grief over passing away of its fellow member in a tweet that read: “#CINTAA expresses its deepest condolence on the demise of Ranjan Sehgal (Member since Nov 2010).” (sic)
#CINTAA expresses its deepest condolence on the demise of
Ranjan Sehgal (Member since Nov 2010). @Djariwalla @actormanojjoshi @amitbehl1 @SuneelSinha @deepakqazir @abhhaybhaargava @RajRomit @sanjaymbhatia @rajeshwarisachd @neelukohliactor @JhankalRavi @rakufired @ayubnasirkhan pic.twitter.com/ODr5GnZLQV— CINTAA_Official (@CintaaOfficial) July 12, 2020
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