Home Latest David Warner Made “Complete Scapegoat” By Cricket Australia Over Captaincy Ban: Former Captain Michael Clarke | Cricket News

David Warner Made “Complete Scapegoat” By Cricket Australia Over Captaincy Ban: Former Captain Michael Clarke | Cricket News

David Warner Made “Complete Scapegoat” By Cricket Australia Over Captaincy Ban: Former Captain Michael Clarke | Cricket News


Former Australia captain Michael Clarke has accused his nation’s cricket board of double requirements and making David Warner the “scapegoat” in its messy dealing with of his captaincy ban following the ball-tampering scandal. Four years after the scandal, Warner remains to be dwelling with the management ban whereas confederate Steve Smith occurs to steer Australia within the ongoing day-night Test in opposition to the West Indies.

Not ready to let his household be the “washing machine for cricket’s dirty laundry”, an indignant Warner on Wednesday withdrew his software for revocation of lifetime management ban, saying the impartial assessment panel needed him to undergo “public lynching”.

Showing assist to his former teammate, Clarke stated the Cricket Australia’s assessment of the scandal has been inconsistent.

“You can tell he’s disappointed and frustrated,” Clarke stated on Big Sports Breakfast. “I think the other thing that probably hurts a little bit more is the fact Steve Smith is going to captain this Test match. I can understand Davey’s disappointment. In regards to where Davey is with his age, he’s unfortunately missed out on the captaincy opportunity in my opinion. I don’t think that’s the concern, it’s the fact it’s taken so long to process this or to get to where it’s at.

“I see it as very inconsistent. I discover it very arduous to consider it is okay for one however not okay for the opposite to have a management position. If CA determined all the blokes concerned in what went down in South Africa, none of them have been going to play a management position, I feel that is a good name.”

Clarke feels Warner has been made the scapegoat for the incident that happened in 2018.

“But if it is okay for one, if it is okay for Smithy, it is received to be okay for (Cameron) Bancroft and it is received to be okay for Warner.

“I don’t know if it’s fair to make David Warner the complete scapegoat and say everyone else can go back to normal. We’ll forgive you but we won’t forgive Davey.”

Clarke additional stated he wasn’t 100 per cent supportive of any of the three being concerned in a management position and that the scandal would linger till they retire.

“There’s so much around how that was handled that was just not the right way,” Clarke stated.

“Starting from doing the crime – let’s start there. How does it go away, don’t say anything. (Former South African captain) Faf du Plessis just wrote a book and it’s in his book.

“The truth that there is (solely) bits and items of what went down is on the market to guard so many individuals is the issue with all of this. If they wish to make it public, the whole thing needs to be made public from begin to end. If it retains arising how do you progress on? How does cricket transfer on? Unfortunately for this Australian crew, quite a lot of gamers that have been concerned then are concerned now. So actually plainly till they retire that is simply going to maintain arising as a result of there’s so many questions round what went down,” Clarke added.

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