Morbi was left counting its dead on Monday, a day after the suspension bridge over the Machchhu river collapsed, sending many, including children, plunging into the water below. The toll climbed to 134 by evening, including 40 women and 34 children. While rescue operations are still on, officials said at least two persons have been reported missing. Of those injured, 73 have been discharged, while 17 are still undergoing treatment.
The 135-year-old suspension bridge (Jhoolto Pul) collapsed on Sunday evening, four days after it was reopened, after being closed for over seven months for repair and renovation work.
Police have registered an FIR against the “agencies responsible for maintenance and management” of the bridge “along with others whose names may emerge during the course of the investigation” under IPC Sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide).
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