The Delhi government on Monday launched its ‘Anganwadi on Wheels’ initiative aimed at fulfilling the nutritional and health needs of children, an official statement said. The initiative will reach those children who were not able to reach anganwadis due to any reason and will provide them nutritious food as well as fulfil their educational and health-related needs, it added. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia launched the ‘Anganwadi on Wheels’ on the occasion of International Girl Child Day.
“Under the initiative, the aim of the Delhi Government is to reach even those children who are unable to reach the anganwadi due to any reason. “Children up to 0-6 years of age will be able to access early childhood care and education by trained anganwadi workers through these buses. Nutritious food will also be given to the children,” he said.
Delhi Minister of Women and Child Development Rajendra Pal Gautam said the government is working in the field of women and child advancement on priority. Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal was also present at the event.
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