The Election Commission of India (ECI) had allegedly shared photos and addresses of all the residents of north-east Delhi with police after the February 2020 pogrom. This is in contravention to the rules of the Commission. However, the ECI denies the charge.
According to a letter put out by activist Saket Gokhale, Under Secretary Rajan Agarwal had directed the Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi to ‘display the electoral roll along with images of electors of north-east Parliamentary constituency with the Delhi Police.
The letter by Agarwal stated, “I am directed to refer to your letter dated 06.03.2020, on the subject cited, and to state that the electoral database of entire AC/District should not be shared with the Police Authorities in accordance with the Commission’s prevailing policy and practice.
The Commission, keeping in view of the request of Delhi Police that photographs of electors, as available in the electoral roll of North-East Shahdara and East Delhi Districts are to be matched with the photographs of culprits captured through CCTV and other video footage available with the investigation team of recent incidence of violence in Delhi, has directed to advise CEO Delhi to display the electoral roll along with images of electors of North-East Parliamentary Constituency before the investigating officer in his office. Action be taken accordingly.”
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