Home Health Expert Tips To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Expert Tips To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Expert Tips To Increase Breast Milk Supply



  • If you are a breastfeeding mom, opt for foods that energise you
  • Getting enough sleep can help you boost your milk production
  • Breast massage or compression while nursing your kid can be beneficial

During those early days of breastfeeding your baby, you may be stressed and face challenges if you are not producing adequate breast milk. Every cry coming from your newborn may hint that he/she isn’t getting sufficient milk. This can surely make you anxious and rob your peace of mind. Set your worries free as we are going to give some tips regarding how to boost the milk supply and make sure that your baby is breastfed properly.

Breastfeeding is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. For some women, breastfeeding is an intimate time with a baby. But, do you know that the benefits of breastfeeding tend to go beyond forming an emotional connection? Yes, you have heard it right! Breastfeeding is crucial as it helps your child build the immune system and prevents him/her from allergies, infections at bay. But, what if your child is not getting enough breast milk? Moreover, if you are a new mom, you will be tensed when it comes to making enough breast milk for your baby even after those first few weeks of breastfeeding. And this is a common fear that may be encountered by many new moms. If your breast milk supply is low then follow these vital tricks to boost it.

This is how you can increase the breast milk supply –

  • Stick to a well-balanced diet: If you are a breastfeeding mom, then you will need more healthy calories. Opt for foods that energise you. Including flaxseed, yogurt, eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables in your diet can do the trick. Along with proteins, also see to it that you go for enough vitamins. Calcium, vitamin D, iron, folic acid are important vitamins and minerals for breastfeeding moms. Healthy fats (unsaturated fats) can be helpful in the development and growth of your baby. Include olive and peanut oil, avocados, and salmon in your diet. Also, avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Opt for a breast pump: This can be helpful in boosting your milk supply quickly. You will have to pump for about 2-3 days in a row after every breastfeeding session. Doing so will allow you to fully empty your breasts and may give a sign to your body to produce more milk. Hence, consult your doctor about using a breast pump and start accordingly.
  • Get enough rest: Are you aware? Getting enough sleep can help you boost your milk production. You will feel fatigued after breastfeeding your baby. But getting enough rest can be helpful for your body to work at its best and enhance breast milk production.
  • Drink enough water: Hydration is the key. Around 8 glasses of water per day can be beneficial for mothers in improving the breast milk supply.
  • Try to breastfeed longer: Breastfeed your baby on each side. If your baby falls asleep while nursing, then wake him/her gently. The stimulation will be more if your baby spends more time at the breast.
  • Breast massage or compression while nursing your little one can also be beneficial. These techniques can help push more milk out. So, speak to your paediatrician or lactation consultant regarding the correct technique that you need to follow.

(Dr Suresh Birajdar is Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar)


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