Bollywood director Rajat Mukherjee passed away on Sunday in Jaipur due to kidney-related issues. The filmmaker, known for directing films like Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya…, Love in Nepal, Road among others, was suffering from an illness for a long time, revealed actor Manoj Bajpayee. He was in his late 50s.
Bajpayee shared the news on social media. He wrote, “My friend and director of Road ,Rajat Mukherjee passed away in the early hours today in Jaipur after a long battle with illness!!! Rest in peace Rajat !!Still can’t believe that we will never meet or discuss our work ever again. khush reh jaha bhi reh.”
My friend and director of Road ,Rajat Mukherjee passed away in the early hours today in Jaipur after a long battle with illness!!! Rest in peace Rajat !!Still can’t believe that we will never meet or discuss our work ever again.khush reh jaha bhi reh.🙏🙏🙏
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) July 19, 2020
Director Hansal Mehta also shared on twitter, “Just got news about the passing away of a dear friend. Rajat Mukherjee director of Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya and Road was a friend from our early, early struggles in Bombay. Many meals, many bottles of Old Monk consumed. Many more to consume in another world. Will miss you dear friend.”
Bajpayee worked with Mukherjee in Road, a thriller movie which also starred Vivek Oberoi, Antara Mali, Vijay Raaz and Makrand Deshpande.
Mukherjee also directed a crime drama TV series called Ishq Kills.
Rajat Mukherjee is survived by wife, mother and brother.
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