AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi slammed the Hyderabad Police on Friday and stated the police within the metropolis didn’t take any motion towards those that displayed Nathuram Godse’s portraits throughout a Ram Navami procession. Police would have damaged the doorways of the home if someone carried the picture of Osama bin Laden and stated Hyderabad has turn out to be the hotbed of terrorists due to Majlis, Owaisi stated.
“Someone says I will make ‘Hindu Rashtra’… In Hyderabad, Nathuram Godse’s photo was displayed. I don’t understand. The name of India’s first terrorist was Nathuram Godse who killed Gandhi… They are dancing with his photo. Who are these people who are dancing in Hyderabad with Godse’s photo?” Owaisi stated.
“Who are these people dancing with the photo of Godse who killed Gandhi? Godse is the first terrorist of India. Tell me, what is your connection with him,” Owaisi requested. “They were so silent as if they saw their bhaijaan’s photo on television,” Owaisi stated.
“A madrassa was set on fire in Bihar and there is a secular government in the state. And when I contest the election there, they say why you are contesting the election. Why are you silent now that a madrassa has been set on fire? How could you droop so low?” Owaisi stated taking a dig at Nitish Kumar.
“The chief minister there is sometimes this side and sometimes that side. He said nothing because he is secular. He says Owaisi is an agent. Arey Nitish Kumar, are you sitting in front of the court that you will give a certificate of who is an agent or not? I am in a team of poor people. Whether I win an election or lose is the decision of Allah, no one can buy me.” Owaisi stated.
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