Rockstar Games launched the trailer of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 6 on Monday, minutes after a person on X, platform previously often called Twitter, leaked it on-line. The sport will come out in 2025. The firm took out the trailer on its YouTube account a day previous to the scheduled date.
GTA 6 Official Trailer Out
Rockstar Games launched the trailer of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 6 on Monday, minutes after a person on X, platform previously often called Twitter, leaked it on-line. The sport will come out in 2025. The firm took out the trailer on its YouTube account a day previous to the scheduled date.
GTA 5 had come out a decade in the past and avid gamers are desperately ready for the sport’s sixth model to launch. The trailer reveals a panorama view of the Vice City. The 1:31 minute lengthy footage additionally introduces the Rockstar Games manufacturing’s protagonists, Lucia and Jason, with a glimpse at their supporting forged, quite a few unnamed Vice City residents.
“The GTA 6 Trailer got leaked and it looks amazing. Don’t watch it you don’t want to get Spoiled obviously,” a social media person mentioned on X.
“GTA introduces Lucia, their first-ever female protagonist for GTA 6,” one other one added.
“GTA 6 trailer came out already but the game releases in 2025,” a 3rd particular person tweeted.
Earlier within the day, a random Twitter person leaked the trailer, giving avid gamers some hints as to what precisely to anticipate from the legendary sport’s latest model. GTA VI’s reveal has been rife with leaked info. This yr, a youngster from the United Kingdom was discovered accountable for the leak in 2022. About 90 movies from the in-development course of have been posted on-line.
The background rating for the trailer launched on Monday was Love Is A Long Road. It is sung by Tom Petty and written by Thomas Earl Petty and Michael W. Campbell. The tune has been printed by Universal Music Works on behalf of Wild Gator Music (GMR) and Wixen Music Publishing, Inc. as agent for Gone Gator Music (ASCAP) and NotoriousJBPSongs (ASCAP).
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