When we eat carbohydrates, our body converts it into a simple sugar called glucose.The glucose molecules then enter our bloodstream and spike our blood sugar level. A healthy person produces a sufficient amount of insulin, a hormone that allows the glucose to enter the cells and get consumed as energy. As diabetic patients do not produce much insulin, the glucose molecules fail to enter the cell and remain in the blood, thereby increasing the blood sugar levels.
So, contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not bad for diabetes patients. It is indeed starchy, but a diabetes patient can still enjoy them as part of a healthful diet. They just have to limit their digestible carb intake. Moreover, potatoes are rich in fiber, which keeps you fuller for a longer period of time. It is rich in nutrients like zinc, manganese, potassium, iron, vitamin B and Vitamin C.
A diabetic person can have very low (20-50 grams) to a moderate (100–150 grams) amount of carbs daily. The exact amount varies as per their health condition.
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