Now, Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram to react to Samantha and Chaitanya’s divorce. She wrote, “The South actor who suddenly divorced his wife was married for 4 years and in a relationship with her for more than a decade recently came in contact with a Bollywood superstar who is also known as Bollywood divorce expert… Has ruined many women and children lives is now his guiding light and agony aunt. So it all went smoothly… This is not a blind item we all know who I am talking about.”
Meanwhile, the divorce comes a few days short of their fourth wedding anniversary.
The pair exuded an innocent charm with ‘Ye Maya Chesaave’, Gautham Menon’s 2010 romantic drama that launched debutant Samantha. It was followed by a couple more silver-screen outings, including ‘Majili’, and finally, the Nagarjuna home-production ‘Manam’, which sealed Samantha’s place as a bonafide member of the Akkineni family.
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