KILLEEN, Texas (KWTX) – Killeen ISD is heading back to class on Monday virtually, but the district says they don’t have enough devices to go around.
The district says they miscounted the number of students needing them. Now, they’re asking for help from parents and students.
Spokesperson Taina Maya says the district is asking for parents with any sort of device to use it and give the district theirs back.
“We want to make sure we can provide a device to students and families with real connectivity issues at this time,” she said.
Some parents in the district say a lack of technology could lead to an even bigger learning gap for kids.
Amanda Templon, a mother of two, says her biggest fear is that her children will suffer the “COVID slide,” especially given the connectivity issues she’s already experienced.
“There’s already been issues,” she said.
“I feel like on Monday, the internet is gonna crash on everybody, even if you have a hot-spot.”
The district says they’re also considering bringing kids back to face-to-face instruction early if they don’t have the ability to learn online.
Rick Beaule with the Killeen Educators Association says while he still believes it’s way too early, there can be a middle ground to help those without the technology or special needs students.
“I think there has to be a way to work for them to do that,” he said.
“However, this has to be something that is done with every effort at risk mitigation.”
The district says the reason for their miscalculation the the devices was that they only accounted for one device per family.
They asked only those who said they wanted virtual learning in a survey sent home to parents if they needed a device.
They didn’t account for a scenario that would require everyone to learn virtually.
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