Two high school students and their families —  one from Cold Spring and one from Richmond —  are among three families filing a lawsuit to allow football and volleyball to be played this fall.

According to Hennepin County court documents, the plaintiffs, who are not identified because they are minors, want a judge to declare invalid the Minnesota State High School League’s decision in August to delay those sports until spring due to COVID-19. The lawsuit cites the league’s failure to follow its own bylaws in making the decision.

The case was filed with Hennepin County on Friday, according to the plaintiffs’ attorney Samuel Diehl. Diehl is an attorney with Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP in Minneapolis. 

Diehl on Wednesday described the case in more detail by stating that the MSHSL didn’t follow its own bylaws with its decision Aug. 4 about moving football and volleyball to the spring season. He added that the league’s Representative Assembly is in charge of creating new bylaws for the MSHSL. 

The representative assembly meeting was cancelled back in May and rescheduled for November 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Diehl, because there was no changes in the bylaws, the MSHSL wasn’t allowed to make those decisions of moving sports to the spring. 

“We believe the [Minnesota State High School League] didn’t follow their rules and the rules that govern the league dictate that the board makes certain decisions and this other group called the representatives assembly make certain decisions,” Diehl said. “The board’s August 4th decisions which were obviously a big deal and a significant consequence to the plaintiffs in the suit who are student athletes that that decision intruded on the authority of the representative assembly.

“The representative assembly is the only decision-making body of the league that’s able to change the bylaws which are the sports rules of the league, so how long seasons are, how many games and practices and when they start. That’s all within the bylaws and that’s the problem that they’re not allowed to do that. We’re asking the court that if they’re going to make changes that those have to go through the representative assembly.” 

A hearing is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Friday at the Hennepin County Government Center, but Diehl said they’re looking to delay that hearing due to a special meeting being called by the MSHSL for 9 a.m. Monday. 

The Monday meeting will be an opportunity for the MSHSL to vote on whether football and volleyball should play this fall or remain with a spring season. 

Due to this recent special meeting being scheduled, Diehl said he wants to wait and see what the MSHSL decides for itself on Monday before having a hearing. 

“We care about the league’s rules, but they care about playing and they believe it’s safe to play,” Diehl said. “It’s a big deal to the plaintiffs and a lot of student athletes across Minnesota to have an opportunity to play.”

Tim Leighton, MSHSL’s communications director, said “The League does not comment on filed, pending or threatened lawsuits.”

The court documents state the third plaintiff is a minor living in Rockford.

Brian Mozey is the high school sports reporter for the St. Cloud Times. Reach him at 320-255-8772 or Follow him on Twitter @BrianMozey.

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