After the release of American teen comedy-drama ‘Love, Victor Season 2’ in June on Hulu and Disney+, the series has been renewed for a third season. The series will continue the story of Victor Salazar’s (Michael Cimino) self-discovery, challenges at home and struggle with sexual orientation.
The show is inspired by the 2018 film “Love, Simon” written by Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger, the same duo that created the television series, Love, Victor.
Currently, there are no hints on the plot for Love, Victor Season 3 from the makers; however, Michael Cimino (played as Victor Salazar) the central figure of the show recently took to Twitter to share standout moments of Season 2. The actor’s Instagram notifying Love, Victor Season 3 is returning on Hulu. The caption reads: “I GUESS WE WILL FIND OUT WHO’S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR”.
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What could be the plot for Love, Victor Season 3?
The series follows the journey of Creekwood High School, Victor to his self-discovery: facing challenges at home and struggling with his sexual orientation. He reaches out to Simon when it seems too difficult for him to navigate through high school.
Victor Season 3 will clear all the cliffhangers left at the end of the season. At the end of the second season, Victor did choose between his two boyfriends. In fact, he ran to the guy with whom he wants to be in a relationship.
However, the audience was left in the dark about whose house Victor actually visited. Evidently, ‘Love, Victor Season 3’ is going to resolve the unfinished ending.
Although currently there is no clue on the plot, still no wonder fans are speculating who could be Victor’s choice. The question arises, despite several complicated problems, will Victor stay with his boyfriend Benji (George Sear) or will he start a new relationship with Rahim (Anthony Keyvan)?
Meanwhile, show-runner Elizabeth Berger said to Entertainment Weekly, “It’s a really interesting, relatable choice where you’re at a crossroads in your relationship, and you have all of this beautiful history with one person but things have gotten really hard.”
She went on saying: “and on the other hand there’s someone new and exciting and it’s all potential at that point and the promise of this beautiful future, and how do you know what to do? How do you make that decision other than close your eyes and just follow your gut? He has both of those options rattling around inside, and then he has a moment of clarity and just follows that right up until that door.”
What could be the release date for expect Love, Victor Season 3?
As the last two seasons released on June 2020 and 2021 respectively, so we can expect Love, Victor Season 3 to arrive in June 2022. But, the filming for Love, Victor Season 3 is yet to start. The filming for ‘Love, Victor Season 2’ commenced in November 2020. So filming for Season 3 is likely to start in November 2021 but the production could be delayed, as the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing in the United States.
Who are the cast for Victor Season 3?
The cast for the series includes major players like Victor himself (plays by Michael Cimino). Victor’s father Armando Salazar (James Martinez), mother Isabel Salazar (Ana Ortiz), little brother Adrian Salazar (Mateo Fernandez), and Victor’s anxious younger sister Pilar Salazar (Isabella Ferreira).
The other actors who would likely return are Rachel Hilson as Mia Brooks, Anthony Turpel as Felix Westen and Bebe Wood as Lake Meriwether. Surely, there will be some new faces to include but the names are yet to reveal.
Currently, there is no confirmation on the release date and updates on filming. We will surely keep you updated on any news on the series. Stay tuned to Devdiscourse to get the latest updates on television series.
Also Read: Into the Night Season 3: Is it on Netflix’s list of series to be renewed?
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