Actress Sushmita Sen’s daughters are a daily fixture on her social media timeline. The actress usually shares photos and movies of Alisah and Renee on Instagram. On Mother’s Day too, Sushmita Sen didn’t disappoint followers. The former Miss Universe has shared a bunch of photos of the celebration at dwelling. In the images, Sushmita Sen is lounging on a settee positioned in opposition to a wall adorned with images and fairy lights. In a couple of photos within the carousel, Sushmita Sen can also be joined by her daughters. Sharing the images, Sushmita Sen wrote, “Lunch cooked by Alisah, handmade gifts, customised games, tasty cookies. A wall full of pictures celebrating my 24 years of motherhood. A #mothersday made special with thoughtful gifts and moments that money can’t buy!!! #perrrrrfect. I am a proud Maa. Thank you, Alisah and Renee Shona, for making my heart smile. #sharing #happiness #love #belonging #celebrationoflife. I love you guys. #duggadugga,” with a heart-eye emoji.
And whereas there is no such thing as a doubt that Sushmita Sen is an excellent mother, the actress’ skilled updates have left followers extraordinarily excited. A number of days in the past, the actress shared an image providing a glimpse of her preparation for Aarya 3. Sharing that she is studying martial arts for the hit net sequence, Sushmita Sen wrote, “ I love the principles of martial arts. Subconsciously, I actually live by them. I cross my arms to denote, nothing can tempt me to offend…but defend I will…so help me God. I love you guys.”
Sushmita Sen also shared that she is taking Kalarippayattu lessons for the brand new season of the present. Posting a video of her practising the standard martial artwork type from Kerala together with her trainer, she wrote: “You are amazing Sunil Sir. Huge love and respect for you and the art of Kalarippayattu.” The Dastak star added, “Here’s to us and the preparation for Aarya 3.”
On the work entrance, Sushmita Sen will probably be seen subsequent in Aarya 3 in addition to Taali, based mostly on the lifetime of transgender activist Shreegauri Sawant.
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