Mahesh Babu has taken some time off his busy schedule. The actor is currently in Switzerland with his family. Namrata Shirodkar on Monday shared a perfect picture taken by Mahesh Babu. The photo featured Namrata with kids Sitara Ghattamaneni and Gautam Ghattamaneni. The three posed against a beautiful backdrop of Swiss Alps.
“Fresh air by the lake .. feels like we r breathing after so long ♥️ blessed and grateful for all these moments .. living again… In my favourite part of the world ♥️♥️♥️#lakeluscern #swissalps,” Namrata wrote as the caption of the picture.
The photo received immense love from Mahesh Babu’s fans.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu will next be seen in Parasuram directorial Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Apart from Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Mahesh is all set to collaborate with Trivikram for his next film. The actor-director duo will be joining forces after 11 years. Earlier, Mahesh starred in Trivikram’s blockbuster films Athadu (2005) and Khaleja (2010).
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