Nagpur: A Football Tournament was organised for the students of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Armed Forces Preparatory Institute (NDA Vision 60), Nagpur in Association with Sevasadan Sikshan Sanstha at VNIT Ground on October 25, 2021. The tournament and a 6 Days Football Camp prior to it was managed by Pratigrham Sports For All Pvt. Ltd., a Sports Management Company based at Nagpur.
The tournament was held with all amounts of safety and sanitation measures taken by Pratigrham. It was a Knockout Tournament between 4 teams namely Team Alfa, Team Bravo, Team Charlie and Team Delta. The purpose of this camp was to give a real football match experience to the students of the institute. This institute trains 10th STD passed students for SSB Examination. 60 students of the same participated in the tournament.
The match was overviewed by esteemed members of the institute i.e Air Vice Marshal. Suryakant C. Chafekar (Retd) and Institute Co-ordinator Atharva Pandit. The match was supervised by our 4 Mentors of 4 Teams i.e Aamir Sir, Ganesh Sir, Rahul Sir and Girish Sir. The Football tournament between these four teams was organised on 10th of October which started at 7am in the morning. It was a knockout tournament and the first match was between Team Charlie and Team Delta. Team Charlie won this tough match after 4-4 in penalties by 1-0. Second match was between Team Alfa and Team Bravo in which Team Bravo Won the match by 1-0. Before Finals for the third Place was organized by the mentors in which Team Alfa Defeated Team Delta and took the Third Place.
The Finals was matched between Team Bravo and Team Charlie in which Team Bravo won by 1-0 due to amazing performance by the CF Shreyash and their Skipper (Goalkeeper) Parth Deshmukh.
Man of torment was awarded to Parth Deshmukh from Team Bravo. It was all together a great and successful event by Pratigrham Sports For All Pvt. Ltd.
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