A four-year-old Brazilian boy has carved his way through the sea at a very young age as he learned how to ride the surfboard without help and that too in style. Joao picked up swimming and surfing after seeing his dad and older sister out in the sea every day.
Joao Vitor from Guaruja, Brazil, a coastal town 55 miles from Sao Paulo, was inspired to start surfing after watching his father and older sister take part in the activity every day. The “Prince of Waves”, as described by a fan on social media, to everyone’s surprise, stood on waves for the first time at the age of two. His mother Camilla Chuquer Braga runs her son’s account and posts daily.
In an exclusive chat with WION, Camilla admits she never expected her little boy to start surfing so early. It was only when he managed to stand up on the surfing board at the age of 2 and a half, did she realize how gifted Joao was!
Camilla and her husband were in shock at how quickly their son – now aged four – mastered the tricky art of standing up on the board, which is something many people much older struggle with. When asked if she was ever scared to introduce Joao to the fierce waves at that age, she mentions “Joao had started taking swimming lessons when he was just 7 months old hence, he always did well in the waters.”
However, Joao is not the first surfer child Camilla has, her elder daughter Maria too has been surfing since she was 3 years old and served as the biggest inspiration for Joao.
“In addition to his father who surfs every day, his sister Maria Clara has also been surfing since she was little, and he has always loved watching her in the waves. I think she was the biggest inspiration for João,” said the proud mother.
On being asked if she sees Joao taking up surfing as a profession later in life, she said, “I think it’s too early to talk about a professional future. As of now he loves to surf and has a lot of fun at sea”.
Joao entertains more than 32,000 followers on Instagram with his impressive surfing skills.
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