On Wednesday, many people in Michigan were hopeful that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would make an announcement regarding the reopening of gyms, movie theaters, and organized sports. That didn’t happen but the governor did say she’s still working out the details and will announce more to say ‘very soon’.
The governor’s Wednesday afternoon press conference announced 20 neighborhood testing sites throughout the state by the end of the week. She also announced $5 billion in small business support, social equity, economic inclusion, and affordable housing through a partnership with Huntington Bank.
Gov. Whitmer teases announcement on gyms, theaters, & organized sports ‘very soon’
The announcement on social businesses reopening was expected Wednesday but Gov. Whitmer said she’s still working out the details and will announce more to say ‘very soon’.
Before taking questions, Gov. Whitmer addressed the topic and acknowledged that a lot of people were feeling anxious and a lot of people love and miss seeing sports in person.
“When it comes to battling COVID-19, we all have to be on the same team,” she said while saying her team is working around the clock to make the best decision possible using the best science.
Specific decisions on the issues were not announced but she said she plans to do so soon.
“We take this very seriously. Decisions will be made in the coming days and will be announced,” Gov. Whitmer said. “For now, I want everyone to know I will have more to say on this topic very soon.”
According to the New York Times, Michigan is one of six states that have not reopened gyms.
Following her statement, all questions asked of the governor were related to gyms, theaters, and high school sports. She reiterated that she would not be pushed into making a decision that did not match up with what the science is telling her and her office.
She said that gyms, theaters, bowling alleys, and more can’t be compared to casinos because those social settings can potentially be big spreaders of the virus.
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