Mira Rajput, wife of actor Shahid Kapoor, on Thursday gave a glimpse at how he woke her up in the Maldives when she wanted to sleep. Taking to Instagram Stories, Mira shared a video clip of their room. Her clip captured the wooden ceiling from below as a section of it slid to one side to reveal the blue sky.
In the clip, shot by Mira Rajput, Shahid Kapoor can be heard speaking with their children, Misha and Zain, in the background. However, none of the family members are visible in the clip. She captioned the clip, “I want to sleep. This is how @shahidkapoor wakes me up. I guess this is the island equivalent of turning off the AC.”
Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are currently enjoying a vacation in the Maldives with their children. They have been sharing pictures and videos from the island. On Wednesday, she shared a selfie in a pink halter top and a large hat on Instagram Stories and wrote, “DND.”
She had also shared a picture as she enjoyed a romantic evening with Shahid at the beach. She had captioned the post, “Each night the Moon kisses secretly the Lover who counts the stars #Rumi.” She also gave a glimpse on Instagram Stories of their dining place. She wrote, “A beautiful night.”
Earlier, she had shared photos from the beach and the resort at which the family is staying. Sharing a selfie with Shahid, Mira had captioned it, “Can I take the trainer home (kiss emoji) @shahidkapoor.” The couple also gave fans a glimpse at their work out even as they holidayed. Mira had shared a video of her at the beach doing the Surya Namaskar. Shahid had also shared a shirtless selfie on Instagram.
Mira and Shahid got married in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony in 2015. They are parents to two children — daughter Misha and son Zain.
Shahid will be seen next in Jersey in which he will essay the role of a cricketer. Jersey will release on December 31 this year. It stars Pankaj Kapur, Mrunal Thakur, and Sharad Kelkar. The film is a Hindi remake of the Telugu sports drama, directed and written by Gowtam Tinnanuri.
Mira often creates tutorials on social media about skincare and physical fitness.
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