Amid the rise of livestreamed content due to the pandemic, a new entertainment news platform named LIT launched on July 20 on YouTube, Kaskus TV and social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
With daily livestreams lasting one hour Mondays through Fridays, LIT aims to soon become “the world’s first entertainment news network with a 24-hour live-rolling concept”.
For Indonesian viewers, the platform’s live-delay versions are available from Tuesday to Saturday via Kaskus TV from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
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Founded by UK-based producers Claudia Rosencrantz and Adrian Woolfe, both involved in the popular Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show, LIT curates the latest entertainment news and features Bradford How, Sloane Glass and Ruba Wilson as regular hosts.
“The many contents created from the lives of the celebrities are always interesting to follow, even tend to be addictive. We’re here to fulfill that,” said Rosencrantz in a statement.
According to Woolfe, the company is currently raising its second funding round and planning to expand its network outside social media streaming, such as AVOD OTT in the international market.
“We’re also discussing various innovative collaborations with various parties for distribution and marketplace integration,” he added. (car/kes)
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