Recently, nutritionist Nmami Agarwal took to social media to share the ideal way to prepare eggs. She says “sunny side up” is the healthiest.
In her post, she said, “Fun fact: Most nutrients in an egg are present in the yolk. Eating the egg white and yolk together in a whole egg provides the right balance of protein, fat, and calories.”
She added that the combination (egg white + yolk) allows most people to feel fuller and satisfied after eating eggs.
One egg contain:
– Vitamin A – 6 per cent
– Vitamin B5 – 7 per cent
– Vitamin B12 – 9 per cent
– Phosphorus – 9 per cent
– Vitamin B2 – 15 per cent
– Selenium – 22 per cent
More benefits of having eggs
Helps increase good cholesterol
Eggs help in raising good cholesterol (HDL). HDL, high-density lipoprotein lowers the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Good for eye health
Eggs have vitamin A, which improves eye health. Vitamin A deficiency is the most common reason for blindness in children in developing countries. Daily consumption of eggs also increases zeaxanthin and lutein in the blood, which reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Good for brain health
One egg has 125.5 mg of choline, which is around 1/4 of what you need in a day. Choline is good for heart health and brain health. It helps regulate memory and mood. It also helps in cognitive functions like visual and verbal memory. The membrane surrounding your cells are formed with the help of choline.
Lowers risk of breast cancer
A recent study at Harvard University found that eggs can lower the risk of breast cancer. It works the most when eggs are consumed during adolescence. It was also found that women who consumed at least six eggs every week had a 44 per cent lower risk of breast cancer than women who ate fewer or no eggs.
Helps in weight loss
The high protein content in eggs makes them suitable for weight loss. Protein keeps you fuller for longer, increases your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories.
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