TSM Entity has emerged as the winner of PUBG Mobile India Series 2020. Apart from being titled as champions, the team has won a total of Rs 20,00,000. There was a tough fight for the second position but in the end, it was Fnatic that clinched the second spot with Mayhem placed in third place. They win a sum of Rs 5,00,000 and Rs 3,00,000 respectively.
Winning a total of three chicken dinner, TSM Entity ended the tournament with a total of 177 points. Fnatic’s Owais won Rs 50,000 for earning the most MVP titles during the tournament while TSM Entity’s ZGod, Neyoo and Jonathan also won Rs 50,000 each for having the maximum number of damage maximum distance traveled on foot and most headshots during the tournament.
Here’s the final tally after the end of day 2 and a total of 12 matches:
PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 kicked off in May and was open for all to participate. A total of 248 teams were initially selected for the pre-qualifiers that was later increased to 992. The pre-qualifiers saw 62 groups where each team was grouped with a total of 16 teams. Top 4 teams in each group (total 248) further advanced to Round 1 of the tournament. A total of seven professional teams were directly invited to this round. 57 qualifying teams went further to the quarter-final round where seven more professional teams were added which meant a total of 64 teams. Country favorites Team SouL was also suppose to be a part of the quarter-finals, however the team declined to play. A total of 32 teams went further into the semi-finals, and finally, a total of 16 teams battled it out for the grand finals.
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