Last month it was reported that Raj Kundra had deleted his social media profiles. An avid Instagram and Twitter user, the businessman decided to remove all his accounts. While Shilpa Shetty continues to charm her followers on Instagram with fitness videos and family pictures.
Raj Kundra was arrested in July for his connection to a probe about production and distribution of pornographic content. His offices in Mumbai were raided by the Mumbai police. Raj walked out of jail on September 21, two months after his arrest in the case. The police, in a 1500-page supplementary charge-sheet, had claimed Kundra was the “main facilitator” in the case and he along with other accused exploited young women struggling in the movie industry by filming them in obscene ways. In his plea, Raj Kundra had claimed that he was being made a ‘scapegoat’ in the case and that there was no a single allegation in the entire supplementary charge-sheet against him.
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