It has been more than a week since Xiaomi India started teasing a new phone with a focus on the “Prime” moniker. As it stands, Redmi is indeed coming up with the long-awaited Redmi 9 series for India. However, Redmi will be adding the Prime moniker to the Redmi 9, which suggests the Indian variant could end up with a few special features. The Redmi 9 Prime will be unveiled on August 4 at 12 noon via an online launch event. Also Read – Xiaomi’s new design stores a pair of wireless earbuds in the phone itself
Redmi has so far revealed the name of the phone and the rest of the features are still a mystery. A couple of teasers throughout the Internet suggests that it could be a renamed Redmi 9 from Europe. One social media teaser hinted at a narrow-bezel display with a waterdrop notch on the top. Another teaser on Amazon confirmed the presence fo a USB-C port and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Also Read – Xiaomi Redmi 9 Prime design teased, set to launch on August 4
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This will be the first time since 2016 that Xiaomi has used the Prime moniker for one of its smartphones. The Redmi 3S Prime was the last phone to launch with this name in 2016. Xiaomi has used the Pro moniker on the Redmi series but the Redmi 9 series brings back the Prime moniker. Also Read – Xiaomi Redmi 9 to launch on August 4 in India: Here are details
📢 It’s time to redefine what it means to be the PRIME! 👑
👉 #PrimetimeAllrounder #Redmi9Prime is launching on 4th August 2020 at 12 noon! Are you with us on the ride #BackToPrime? ♥️
🔄 RT if you guessed the name right & get notified here: https://t.co/2RN9R64ymr pic.twitter.com/8ec0PHqaV0
— Redmi India – #BackToPrime (@RedmiIndia) July 30, 2020
The Redmi 9 Prime is expected to replace the ageing Redmi 8 from last year. Given that the Redmi 8 still sells at a price of Rs 9,999, the new model could slot in at the same starting price. If it ends up being the Redmi 9 from Europe, buyers will be getting a couple of major upgrades over the outgoing model.
Redmi 9 Prime expected specifications and prices
As established, the Redmi 9 Prime is highly expected to be a renamed Redmi 9, unless there are some India-specific upgrades. The European version features a 6.5-inch Full HD+ display with a dewdrop notch on the top. It relies on a MediaTek Helio G80 chipset that’s paired with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. To keep the phone alive, there’s a 5020mAh battery.
For the cameras, there’s a set of four sitting at the back. The main camera is a 13-megapixel sensor that’s accompanied by an 8-megapixel wide-angle camera. You also get a 5-megapixel macro camera and a 2-megapixel depth camera. The selfie camera uses an 8-megapixel sensor.
Based on the Chinese prices, the Redmi 9 Prime could start from as low as Rs 9,999 for the base variant while the higher storage variants could slot in under the Redmi Note 9.
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