Actor Rhea Chakraborty has filed a police complaint with the Mumbai Police against Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Priyanka Singh and a few others over acquiring a ‘bogus medical prescription’ for the actor. Rhea has said in her complaint that Sushant died within five days of his sister Priyanka getting the prescription so that the actor could get access to anxiety medication.
Rhea has said that an FIR should be registered against Priyanka, Dr Tarun Kumar of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospitaland a few others under IPC, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act & Telemedicine Practice Guidelines. She said in her complaint, “It is imperative that actions of Priyanka Singh, Dr Tarun Kumar and others be investigated and that it be determined as to how they came to provide the deceased with such a bogus and unlawful prescription.”
Filed on the basis of WhatsApp exchanges between the actor and his sister, the complaint said Sushant was shown as an Out Patient Department patient at the RML hospital when he was actually in Mumbai on June 8. As per the chats, three medicines were prescribed for Sushant. Priyanka Singh asked Sushant to take Librium for a week, Nexito every day and Lonazep for “whenever there is anxiety attack”. Rhea’s complaint said the prescription appeared “forged and fabricated” as the drugs cannot be prescribed electronically.
The WhatsApp exchanges happened on June 8, the same day that Rhea left the actor’s home. Sushant died on June 14. The family has so far said that they were not aware that Sushant had any mental health problem. “The family only knew that he was prone to ‘ghabrahat’ (anxiety),” family’s lawyer Vikas Singh had said in a press conference on Wednesday, stressing that his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty was behind whatever psychological problems that the actor might have had. “The family never accepted that he was suffering depression. His mental health deteriorated after Rhea Chakraborty entered his life,” he said.
Rhea is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate and Narcotics Control Bureau following an abetment to suicide and misappropriation of funds complaint filed by Sushant’s father in Patna in July. She is being questioned by NCB in a ‘drug related’ angle in the case.
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