The latest celebrity to come out in support of Shah Rukh Khan is his Maya Memsaab co-star Raj Babbar. Many have expressed solidarity towards Shah Rukh after his son Aryan Khan was arrested following a raid at an alleged rave party on a Goa-bound cruise ship.
In a tweet, Raj said that ‘hardships won’t deter’ Shah Rukh’s soul and called Aryan a ‘fighter’s son’. “He came, faced & achieved a conquest unparalleled. Have known @iamsrk for long to know hardships won’t deter his soul. As the world teaches his young boy through wounds, I am sure the fighter’s son will definitely fight back. Blessings to the young man,” he wrote.
Aryan is currently lodged at the Tihar jail after his bail plea was rejected on Friday. A metropolitan magistrate’s court rejected the application on the ground that it was not maintainable, which means that the forum chosen to seek bail was incorrect.
Shah Rukh and his wife Gauri Khan have not yet commented on Aryan’s arrest. However, many from the film fraternity, including Pooja Bhatt, Sussanne Khan, Mika Singh, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi and Hansal Mehta, supported the Khans.
Hrithik Roshan wrote an open letter to Aryan and said that only the ‘toughest’ are chosen by God to go through the toughest times. “You know you are chosen when amidst the chaos you can feel the pressure to hold your own. And I know you must feel it now. The anger, the confusion, the helplessness. Aaah, the very ingredients that are needed to burn the hero out from inside you. But be wary, those same ingredients could burn away the good stuff… the kindness, the compassion, the love. Allow yourself to burn, but just enough,” he wrote.
Advising Aryan to ‘own everything’ that he experiences, Hrithik said, “They’re your gifts. Trust me. In time, when you connect the dots… I promise you, It’s gonna make sense. Only if you have stared the devil in his eyes and kept your calm. Keep calm. Observe. These moments are the makers of your tomorrow. And tomorrow is going to have a brilliant sun shining. But for it, you must go through the dark. Calm, still, owning your own. And trusting the light. Within. It’s always there.”
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