Shraddha Kapoor started the year with a bang. Her movie ‘Street Dancer’, where she starred opposite actor Varun Dhawan, set the cash registers ringing at the Box Office. She also had a phenomenal 2019. Her movie ‘Chicchore’ co-starring late Sushant Singh Rajput was also one of the biggest films of the year in terms of collections and critical acclaim. Not just that, Sharaddha has a slew of exciting projects lined up ahead of her, but due to the nationwide lockdown she is spending all her time at home with family indulging in home-made food.
Shraddha Kapoor is half-Maharashtrian and has grown up in Mumbai, needless to say the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi is very special to her. On Sunday, she posted a picture of delectable, home-made vegetarian feast. “पेट में धमाल, दिल में ख़ुशी #GanpatiThaali #HomeMade #VegFoodLove”, she captioned the image, which loosely translates to ‘party in tummy and happiness in heart’. On the plate we found one ukadiche modak, rice, dal, chutney, puri, basundi, aloo, some saag and a chunk of roasted corn cob. Have a look, doesn’t the feast look all things comforting yet tempting.
(Also Read: Ganesh Chaturthi 2019: Here’s How South India Celebrates This Festival )
In the comments, we also found Shraddha’s brother Siddhant Kapoor raising suspicion of the number of modaks shown in the picture. He commented, “Why haven’t you put the actual number of Modaks that you had?”, to which she finally revealed her modak count. “Yesterday had 2 only for the first time otherwise it used to be 5-6+ per day, today have had 1 so far.”
(Also Read: Ganesh Chaturthi 2020: 10 Popular Bhog To Offer To Lord Ganpati During The Festival )
Well, we hope you get to eat as many modaks as you want this Ganesh Chaturthi, Shraddha.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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