Talking about The Man from Earth:
Rajyasree: Because he doesn’t age and after 10 years being in one place, he realises that people obviously know that he’s not aging. Then he keeps moving on. I know what Abhinandan says.
Abhinandan: Why don’t you move then?
Rajyasree: Why? You didn’t say, “Oh, then I should be moving.”
Abhinandan: Why should I say that about myself? What do you think I am?
Rajyasree: Everyone, Abhinandan thinks he looks 22 years old.
Abhinandan: I don’t think I look 22. I’m just saying that when we went for a film, someone asked Rajyasree, “Brought your nephew for a film?”
Rajyasree: He said that, huh?
Abhinandan: “Accha! Tussi apne bhanje nu filme dekhne? So sweet of you!”
Rajyasree and Abhinandan burst out laughing.
This and a whole lot of other stuff awful and awesome as Abhinandan Sekhri and Rajyasree Sen discuss the films Class of ‘83 and The Man from Earth; the Netflix documentary John Was Trying To Contact Aliens; and the Daily Show spoof Joe Biden: Acceptable Under the Circumstances.
Tune in!
00:08: Introduction
04:07: Class of ‘83
16:51: The Man from Earth
33:03: Letters from listeners
38:48: John Was Trying To Contact Aliens
44:31: Letters from listeners
50:14: Joe Biden: Acceptable Under the Circumstances.
Recorded and produced by Jude Weston, edited by Satish Kumar.
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