Vivek Ramaswamy predicts ‘2-horse race between Trump & a puppet’
After Chris Christie dropped out of the race, Vivek Ramasway posted a video of himself on X, captioning it, “Here’s the plot:
1. Narrow this to a 2-horse race between Trump & a puppet they can control.
2. Eliminate Trump.
3. Trot their puppet into the White House.
Prediction: next up, Ron DeSantis joins Nikki Haley’s ticket as VP. Ron may not know it yet, but he won’t have a say in the matter.”
“The system wants to narrow this down to a two horse race between Donald Trump and a puppet who they can control,” he says within the video. “It has become increasingly clear that puppet is not a Democrat. It’s not even Gavin Newsom. It’s Nikki Haley.”
“Our movement cannot end with Donald Trump when they take him out from contention. And if you think this system is gonna even let this man get anywhere near the White House, we need to open our eyes,” he provides. “Do not fall into the trap people.”
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