India’s top woman wrestler Vinesh Phogat has recovered from coronavirus, saying that her second Covid test returned negative. But she will remain in isolation as a precautionary measure. The 24-year-old could not receive her Rajiv Khel Ratna award as she tested positive just days ahead of the virtual National Sports Awards ceremony on August 29. “I underwent a second COVID-19 test yesterday (Tuesday) and am happy to report that I have received a negative result,” Vinesh tweeted. The only woman wrestler to have qualified for the Tokyo Olympics, Vinesh said she would prefer to be in isolation for some time.
“While this is great news, I will be remaining in isolation as a precautionary measure a big thank you to everyone for your prayers.”
I underwent a second COVID-19 test yesterday and am happy to report that I have received a negative result. While this is great news, I will be remaining in isolation as a precautionary measure. A big thank you to everyone for your prayers
Vinesh’s personal coach Woller Akos is still in Belgium and she trained with Om Prakash Dahiya, who also tested positive, and perhaps got infected during training.
Om Prakash was selected for Dronacharya and he also missed out on receiving the honour on August 29.
The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) was forced to postpone the women’s national training camp in Lucknow due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The camp was to begin on September 1.
However, the men’s camp begun as scheduled in Sonepat.