Anushka Sharma’s cricketer husband Virat Kohli celebrated his 33rd birthday on Friday. Virat is accompanied by Anushka and their nine-month-old daughter Vamika in the UAE where he is leading team India in the ongoing T20 Cricket World Cup. He said the presence of the two in the UAE is in itself a celebration for him.
Virat led Team India to victory against Scotland in the Group 2 match of Super 12 stage of the ongoing ICC men’s T20 World Cup. Talking to the host after the win, Virat opened up about his birthday celebrations.
Virat said, “I think I am over that phase now. No, I mean, my family is here. Anushka and Vamika are here. That’s celebration enough for me. Just having families around in these times in bio-bubble life is very difficult. That’s a blessing in itself. The team has been amazing. Everyone wished me.”
India batter Suryakumar Yadav had shared an Instagram Story in which the players could be seen celebrating Virat’s birthday in the dressing room after India’s win. Virat was seen smeared in cake as his teammates continued to cover him with more cream.
During the day, Anushka had shared a picture from their Diwali celebration along with a birthday note for Virat. She had written, “No filter needed , for this photo and the way you lead your life . Your core is made of honesty and guts of steel . Courage that pales doubt into oblivion . I know no one who can pick themselves up from a dark place like you can . You grow better in every way because you hold on to nothing in you as permanent and are fearless . I know we are not ones to talk to each other through social media like this but sometimes I just want to scream and tell the world what an amazing man you are (heart emoji). Fortunate are those who really truly know you . Thank you for making everything brighter and more beautiful. Oh , and Happy Birthday cuteness!”
Virat had responded to the post by saying, “You are my strength. You are my guiding force. Grateful to god everyday for us being together my love. I love you.”
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