Matt Wilson
Saturday: After twice delaying the in-person release party for Matt Wilson & His Orchestra’s alternately playful and serene debut album, “When I Was a Writer,” the Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter of Trip Shakespeare notoriety is going about it another way with a bimonthly web series called “Into Dreams,” streaming from his basement. He’s promising songs from the new record for this first installment as well as “possibly a hijink.” The dude has always been a singular talent. (7 p.m. Sat., minneapolismatt.com or YouTube).
Chris Riemenschneider
Lila Ammons
Thursday: There is a good reason Twin Cities jazz vocalist Ammons called her 2019 album “Genealogy.” Her grandfather was esteemed pianist Albert Ammons, and her uncle was noted tenor saxophonist Gene Ammons. A Chicago native, she moved to the Twin Cities to be close to relatives. With an approach that evokes 1950s pop/jazz stars, she has a way with standards, blues and Brazilian music. Ammons will be featured on the next installment of Twin Cities Jazz Fest Live. (7 p.m. Thu., crowdcast.io/e/igg3xv6g/register.)
Jon Bream
Deeva’s Dirty Thirty Show
Saturday: Burlesque performers are putting together a sexy evening of dance and debauchery in honor of performer, producer and fat activist Deeva Rose’s birthday. Hosted by Butch Charming, also known as DJ Seven, the virtual event includes local talent like Sweetpea and Foxy Tann, as well as Fancy Feast from New York and Shimmy LaRoux and Crocodile Lightning from Chicago. So pour yourself a glass and dim the lights as these dancers and entertainers get you into the mood for delightful naughtiness. (8:30 p.m. Sat. $10 suggested donation, roseacademyofburlesque.com/deevas-dirty-thirty-show.)
Sheila Regan
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